Enabling Communities

Doing things Better

Tama Ariki

In traditional times, tamariki were treasured and honored as gifts from the gods, which is reflected in the name Tama Ariki.

The natural parents were not the sole caregivers child-raising involved grandparents, uncles, aunts, great-uncles and great-aunts.

This collective responsibility and these lineage ties ensured the safety and welfare of children, regarded as the tribe's future legacy.

They were seen as the connection between the past and the future to maintain the whakapapa lines, the mauri of a child was to be celebrated and not diminished.

Making tomorrow a better day

Tai Timu Tai Pari has established a partnership with Oranga Tamariki as one of nine prototypes across the country aimed at reimagining an alternative to the existing state system responsible for the care and protection of tamariki.

Our Enabling Communities prototype is named Tama-Ariki. Its primary objective is to enhance the experiences of all tamariki (children), taitamariki (young people), whānau (families), and caregivers when concerns about safety arise. We are transitioning from a system that often disintegrates whānau and yields inadequate outcomes to a community-led approach that emphasizes whakapapa (kinship) and all dimensions of whānau. Through a collaborative redesign process involving iwi, community stakeholders, and government agencies, we aim to establish a sustainable alternative to the current system.